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Venus in the Third House


Venus Placement in the third house of chart
The planet of Venus in the third house gives a polite and persuasive speech. Such a person is likely to be articulate and creative in expression, both spoken as well as written. You tend to be fond of travelling. Short distance travels are likely to beget gains. You immediate atmosphere is also quite peaceful and comfortable. You like to be surrounded by beauty. You share a cordial relationship with neighbors and relatives too. You like to keep your things and relationships clutter-free and harmonious, thus avoid confrontations and arguments to keep the boat of life sailing smooth.

There’s a big chance for the person with Venus in his 3rd house to indulge in education related to arts and literature. You may choose speaking, writing or lecturing as a profession too. You may be sexually attracted to a close relative or neighbor. You should avoid putting too much thought to your relationships. Sometimes the need to form strong attachments with people overpowers you.

As a positive impact, the people of Venus in 3rd house are verbally very expressive and diplomatic. They are quite generous in giving out compliments. Besides, natives of Venus in third house are very good mediators. They are very good at redressing problems between two warring groups or parties. They can settle arguments quickly and restore peace at least temporarily. They may be very polite and persuasive in their speech. These natives will be articulate and creative in expression, both in spoken words and in writings.

As a negative impact, natives having Venus in the 3rd house may have a mischievous side. The desire they have to be tactful and polite with others may not be successful all the time. In some natives, the warmth and affection which they exhibit may be a show. They may be good only to those who can benefit them. These natives may use flattery as a method to further their interests. However, using flattery may make them lose their credibility and genuineness.

As a conclusion, third house caters to siblings, the conditions of mind, reading, writing and so on. So these natives are very expressive and communicative, both in written and verbal forms. For these natives, relationships are very important. However, they should not take relationships too seriously and try to stay away from anxieties and worries.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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