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Venus in the Seventh House


Venus Placement in the seventh house of chart
If you have Venus in the 7th house, it gives you a good marriage. You probably seek for an attractive and wealthy partner, someone with whom you can enjoy the riches and comforts of life. Marriage is also likely to improve your financial position and status. Affliction of Venus in the chart can also lead to you having an immoral spouse. You understand the value of companionship in life but you sometimes become too much of a perfectionist. Little imperfections in your partner cause you mental distress and discords. You should understand that nobody is perfect.

The balance of the attitude in love is necessary. You should also keep your sensual desires in check. There is a need is to strike a balance and not over-expect from your partner. The focus of the relation should be on cooperation not competition. You should also guard against over-indulgence or you may run into troubles. This position of Venus is also good for business partnerships. The native is likely to beget financial gains in partnerships, especially from women.

As a positive trait, this influence of Venus in the 7th house plays a crucial role in fostering the native’s relationships. Individuals with this placement never betray each other for their own interest and have deep mutual respect. Spouses with this conjunction have all characteristics of a good mother and wife. They show great affection when it comes to loving and caring for others. Such spouse/wife of Venus in seventh house natives is the backbone of the family.

As a negative trait, Placement of Venus in the 7th house sometimes brings unfavorable outcomes in individuals’ relationships. Because of their emotions which are deep-seated, it may make their relationship worse and there are chances of getting separated from each other too early. Sometimes they argue too much over small things and it really affects their relationship in a bad way. Instead of loving each other, they are constantly complaining about each other.

As a conclusion, Venus in this house is one of the luckiest combinations natives experience in their life. It caters one’s relationship with all the happiness and pleasures. Venus is a good sign for long-lasting relationships. But if the outcomes of Venus in 7th house are bad, then it weakens the bond between the natives and raises conflicts in their life. This placement is like a coin with two sides, which has both favorable and unfavorable outcomes on individuals.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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