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Rahu in the Second House


Rahu Placement in the second house of chart.
The placement of Rahu in the 2nd house makes natives always hungry for accumulation of treasures, and these treasures could be historic possessions, wealth and even storage of knowledge. There is a strong desire to collect, food, knowledge, money and valuables. Such people want to be associated with a noble lineage and history. These natives use their descent to give their life an edge, but soon move away from their family values. Whatever ancestry they are born with, these natives try to make themselves appear from a privileged social prestige than what their financial position actually shows.

This native also acquires mastery over languages, often to be associated with high-ranking bloodlines and historic values. Native may also uplift his or her status from 2nd marriage. Such people get attracted to knowledgeable and socially privileged people. When afflicted, Rahu in the second house causes stammering, speech disorders, separation from family, poverty, discords with relatives, dissatisfaction and mixed lineage.

As a positive trait, natives are likely to be financially affluent. They will have easy access to the worldly comforts and luxuries of life. The natives of Rahu in the 2nd house strive hard to accumulate wealth & treasures. These treasures can also be in the form of antique collections of history, art and artifacts, things which are not merely a rarity but also quite expensive, as per Rahu in 2nd house effects.

As a negative trait or impact, natives will be spendthrift meaning they will spend money easily and on useless things. This sense of balance or judgment in spending money may be lacking. Also, due to money issues, they may land into legal problems. Besides, the harshness and impoliteness of the natives may make them unpopular. The natives will have several enemies, which may add on to their woes. Also, when afflicted the natives of Rahu in the second house may suffer from stammering, speech disorders, separation from family, financial constraints, dissatisfaction and other ailments.

As a conclusion, as Rahu the planet of illusion is placed in the second house, the house of money, family and speech, it can lead to a financially affluent situation for the natives. However, as Rahu is a malefic planet, so it may impact the lives of the natives malevolently. So it is very important for Rahu in second house natives to develop their strengths and eliminate their weakness

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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