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Rahu in the First House


Rahu Placement in the first house of chart.
The presence of the imaginary planet Rahu in the 1st house gives a hunger for life, a desire to step up the social ladder, from the status one is born with, often using physical appearance and vitality, especially in the form of sexual ability and competitive spirit. They question and break the conventional norms and boundaries of social status and personal identify. The person thinks of himself as the privileged one, chosen to promote, innovate and compete. These larger than life personalities always want things in epic proportions, bigger, better, larger, wealthier and cooler.

The ways of taking a leap for these natives often involves unconventional ways. There is a strong desire to be desired and admired. But they often project a social image that is self-deceptive. Rahu in the first house drives the person towards illicit behavior and susceptibility to addiction of drugs and alcohol, unless there is benefic planet becoming a mean to divine influence and moral empowerment. These natives are prone to personality disorders too.

As a positive impact, the good thing about the natives of the planet of Rahu in the first house is that they have enough courage to initiate or formulate completely new concepts in society or at the workplace. They have the ability to promote, innovate and compete. They can adopt new and different means and methods to reach tall heights. They may not bother much about the means as long as they reach the goals while pursuing those means as per the effect of Rahu in first house.

As a negative impact, natives of Rahu in first house may strongly want that others should appreciate and admire them. These natives may project a social image that may be self-deceptive. Well, Rahu in the 1st house may turn the person towards immoral and illegal acts. It is likely that the natives may get addicted to drugs and alcohol. The natives of Rahu in 1st house may even suffer from personality disorders. However, this may be prevented if there is a benefic planet which produces divine influence and neutralizes the bad or evil prospects.

As a conclusion, this planet represents negative energy from the cosmos. It can put us into illusion and worsen our entrapping into the bad karma. It can make us grossly materialistic and derail us from the path of goodness and happiness. We have to be very careful with this planet.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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