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Mars in the Tenth House


Mars Placement in the tenth house of chart
The tenth house rules reputation, profession, character, status, karma, next birth, weaknesses, ambition etc. When a person has Mars in tenth house, he or she is likely to be quite ambitious and determined in nature. Such a native is likely to be a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm. They have good leadership qualities and want to be at the center of all action. The tendency to take initiatives comes natural to these persons. They work hard to maintain a better image at work and seek recognition in career.

To the natives who have mars in 10 house, the success often comes through own efforts. They tend to bring a lot of variety and innovation to where they work. Their organization and management ability is exceptional. These individuals are self-reliant, logical and result-oriented. However, they tend to be dominating and demanding to subordinates. They also indulge in problems with superiors at times.

Natives in this house may start from a lower rank but due to their hard work they soon achieve high position at their workplace, they will be more energetic at their workplace, the person would like the job which have challenges and require lot of physical energy. He will excel if he is allowed to work independently. But due to his dominating nature at workplace his colleagues or subordinates may not like him. This nature of his may also create opponents and hidden enemies at his workplace which may keep him restless. The other people may feel jealous of him and may try to create hurdles in his path of progress. But the native will not care for the same and will go ahead to achieve or maintain his goal which he has already set in mind. Sometimes, he may have the feeling of being superior and dominating. Opinion of others may also prove to be fruitful to him if he maintains cordial relations with others.

There are cures for mars in the 10th house:

1) Don’t sell the ancestral properties.
2) Make sure the milk should not overflow and fall on the fire while you boiling it.

As a conclusion, natives of Mars in the 10th house will have the fire of Mars in them. This can be properly used in the profession and consequently the natives may rise very high. However, these persons will have to be very careful while dealing with people or else their growth may not be that much.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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