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Mars in the Nin theth House


Mars Placement in the ninth house of chart
The native with Mars in the ninth house is fond of travel and adventure but with it, also comes the associated danger due to Martian recklessness and desire to take risks. Such a native is quite rigid when it comes to their ideals. He or she is always ready to fight opposition concerning the religion and philosophy they follow in life. The position of mars here also indicates that the person should be highly cautious in legal matters. Decisions should be based on rationality than emotions.

Mars’s placement also indicates foreign travel. It’s possible for the native to get good higher education too. In some cases, Mars also boosts one’s need for independence. Sometimes, the person touches extremes regarding their religion or beliefs. There is a tendency to cross the line between following and worshiping ideas. They tend to believe that only they are right and disregard others’ opinions. Such people often indulge in discords with their in-laws, especially male.

The 9th house of chart is where Mars feels comfortable if the same is placed in his own sign or in the sign of exaltation or is placed with his friendly planets like Jupiter, Moon or Sun. the native will be a free person without any fear whatsoever. He may have his own view points and does not require guidance from others. This is a God gifted blessing to him. This placement of Mars in 9th house gives unique and attractive personality to its native right from his birth. He will be lucky and may attain the high position particularly related to administration or sales management at early age. He has convincing power to get desirable benefits at workplace or business. Blessings of Jupiter give him unique convincing power and ideas to find out solutions of the problems which he may face in life from time to time.

As a remedy for mars in 9th house:

1) You have to respect your elder brother.
2) Be nice to your brother’s wife and provide her services.

As a conclusion, the natives of Mars in the ninth house will be outgoing and will love to travel and explore. However, they ought to be very careful in their adventurism. Besides, they need to become less rigid about their beliefs and faith.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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