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Ketu in the Second House


Ketu Placement in the second house of chart
When the planet of ketu is posited positively in the second house of your horoscope, you are likely to be a learned and knowledgeable person. You are someone who talks wise words. You are likely to be quite expressive, and well versed in foreign languages. Position of Ketu in 2nd house also gives a serious perspective towards life. Such a person is also likely to be fond of indulgence.

If the planet is afflicted, it can lead to speech disorders like stammering and problem in learning too. Such a person has to rely upon others to feed him. Ketu here also increases expenses and causes eye related problems. Their manner lacks politeness and courtesy. Ketu represents detachments and in second house, it detaches the person from his immediate family. Such a person may struggle to maintain good relationship with family members. Chances of loss of wealth due to government are also possible.

As a positive trait for those who have ketu in their 2nd house, they are likely to talk wise words. They will be very expressive in their expression and may be well versed in foreign languages. The effects of Ketu in 2nd house will make the natives more indulgent and drawn towards the materialistic side of life. These natives of Ketu in the 2nd house may become fond of collecting various types of books and magazines. They read some of them and just glance at certain others. The natives are good in literature, writing, and accounting.

As a negative trait, the planet of Ketu can also heighten expenses and cause problems in the eyes. The natives may lack manners, courtesy and politeness. Ketu also stands for detachment, and when it is placed in the second house, the natives may feel detached from their family members, including life partner as per the marriage scenario of Ketu in second house.

As a conclusion, the second house is all about money and finance. And the planet Ketu is about the departure from evil and the shift towards the spiritual and ethical. Thus, when Ketu is placed in the 2nd house, it may cause knowledge and wisdom. 

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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