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Ketu in the First House


Ketu Placement in the first house of chart
If you have the imaginary planet of ketu in your 1st house, that means that you would have quite a mysterious personality. People struggle to understand your ways. There is often a double meaning in what you say. You are usually endowed with a magnetic persona. You are likely to take up a lot of travel to fulfill a sense of adventure in life. You should avoid keeping bad company though. There is a strong tendency to become self-centered and greedy at times.

Ketu can affect the person’s heath and stamina so much if it’s afflicted. Moreover, the person may lose his position and have a miserable life. People with bad Ketu in first house also lack self-confidence and courage. This position of Ketu also gives the native psychic abilities and strong intuition. It can affect the longevity of the person in some cases. Due to its aspect over 7th house, the person may also face difficulties in marital life.

As a positive trait, you as a native having ketu in 1st house have a magnetic personality, which is also mysterious. People want to meet you and talk to you. What you talk is not always very straightforward. You may say things which have a deeper meaning. You love travelling. You want to go out very frequently. You have a strong need for adventure. You satisfy your need by touring and exploring different cities, states and countries.

As a negative trait, it’s good to be an adventurous and explorative person. But you need to be careful about your company. If you fall into bad company, things may get really difficult for you. There is a possibility of you becoming self-centered and greedy. You have to ensure that you don’t degrade ethically or else life may become difficult for you.

As a conclusion, the planet of ketu is the logical explanation of Rahu. It can undo the damage done by Rahu. If Rahu takes you to evil, Ketu has the potential to make you realise that you are in the wrong place. But it does not happen very smoothly. Ketu will trigger some developments, which will disturb you badly. However, sooner or later you are likely to realise that you need to change. Only by being good, you will be happy.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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