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Sun in the Sixth House


Result of sun in the 6th house of chart
Sixth house in Vedic Astrology is for the most part connected with wellbeing and prosperity. Keeping up a decent wellbeing is likewise about structure a capacity to hold off pain throughout everyday life. We also face difficulties and have weaknesses. How we manage these setbacks, for example, diseases, accidents, restriction, foes and emergency is the thing that characterizes us as an individual. Sixth house likewise means our feelings of dread, and whether we can conquer them.

6th house in crystal gazing additionally identifies with obstacles, obligations, troubles, and enemies, the capacity to defeat these and prevail upon resistance. 6th house is generally identified with healers, for example, specialists just as those with most subjugation, for example, police and military. What diseases you are generally powerless to, how long do you take to recuperate, what some parts of the body is generally helpless against wounds, quality of your resistant framework, and the length of the sicknesses all go under the space of sixth house. This house likewise controls over eating diet, what food you eat alongside your day by day way of life and normal as this is the thing that influences your wellbeing to a huge degree.

Situation of Sun in 6th house makes an individual dedicated, commanding and master in his activity. He will be faithful to his activity and will be very much aware of his obligations. He can exceed expectations in occupation or administration segment. His colleagues and seniors will be upbeat and will value his efforts and truth. Solid Sun in this house guarantees official position. He might be a specialist in a specific field. By his efforts and reliability, he might have the option to discover a chance to discover the calling which suits his bore. He might be excessively requesting from his subordinates which may make a few issues in relations. He needs space to demonstrate his value and can’t work appropriately under tension. He barely has any adversary. Frail and distressed Sun may mess wellbeing up and ruined relations with the bosses.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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