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Significance of Rahu in Astrology


If you don’t know, all the other planets are real, have physical and visual existence, but only rahu and ketu are imaginary which have no physical shape or we can’t see them. The planet Rahu is considered most powerful and has been allotted the status of a planet by our Rishis and seers. Mostly, Rahu confers malefic effect. He is considered a dirty planet indicating laziness, filthiness, delays and hurdles. He stays for 18 months in a zodiac sign.

In Vedic astrology, there is an interesting fiction that describes how Rahu and Ketu came into existence. One time both, the gods and the demons agreed to form an alliance to produce nectar that could give them immortality. Nectar could be obtained by churning the ocean. In the process, nectar was churned out. Then,when the nectar was being served to the gods, a demon, disguised as a god, and sat between the Sun and the Moon in an attempt to acquire the nectar. The demon was recognized by the Sun and the Moon who complained of the demon to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu immediately severed his head from his chakra. But the demon had already consumed enough nectar to make him immortal. The head of the demon, known as Rahu, became immortal. And the remaining corpse of the demon was known as Ketu. Ever since, Rahu and Ketu became the strong enemy of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon eclipses occur due to Rahu and Ketu who swallow up Sun and Moon when they come near to them. In this way Rahu and Ketu take their revenge from Sun and Moon.

The planet Rahu is in own house in KanyaRashi. It is exalted when placed in VrishabhaRashi while it is debilitated when placed in VrischikRashi. Whatever, there are divergent views on this. Some authorities take the Exaltation and Debilitation points as Mithuna and Dhanu respectively. It is said that Rahu gives Yogkaraka result if placed in Cancer KarkataRashi. However, it has to be noted that being a ChhayaGrah it gives results based on the planetary influences. It is generally observed that with a benefic or in benefic influence it gives very good result. It’s generally considered as a good planet for worldly comforts. However, there is lots of Maya attached with Rahu. In modern times Rahu represents Computers, Internet and Mass Media.

And down there, that’s some characteristics of Rahu:

Own Sign (Rashi): Aries & Scorpio
MoolTrikon in: Taurus
Orbit time in One Zodiac Sign: One and half year
If well placed signifies: Prosperity, wealth, Good position
If adversely placed signifies: Arrogance and jealous nature
Representation: Very old people
Diseases given by Rahu: Fever, Leprosy, Snake bite, paranormal activities, Restlessness
Enemy planets: Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral planets: Jupiter
Direction: North Lunar Node
Colour: Grey, Black
Exalted in: Taurus
Debilitated in: Sagittarius
Special features: Delay and hurdles
Metal: Graphite, Lead
Precious Stone: Hassonite (Gomed)
VimshottariMahadasha period: 18 years
Orbit time of whole Zodiac: 18 Years (Average)
Nature: Dirty, Furious and aggressive
Constellations ruled: Adra, Swati, Shatbhisha
Friendly planets: Mercury, Saturn, Venus

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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