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Mrigashira Nakshatra by Hemant Barua


The Vedic Astrology’s 5th Lunar Constellation, or Nakshatra, is the Mrigashira Nakshatra. This Nakshatra comes with its first two quarters / Padas in the Taurus zodiac sign, and the remaining two quarters fall in the Gemini zodiac sign. This shows that the person born under this Nakshatra will have a strong foundation with the necessary flexibility to accept, for their own best, changes that happen in life. Their quality of life will vary, and depending on which pada the Moon stays in the Natal Birth Chart.

Characteristics of the Mrigashira Nakshatra:

Natives born under Nakshatra Mrigashira are the most charming and gentle characters, and are constantly finding awareness. Yet they can always keep track of how much information they can comprehend and consume, so they don’t really fall victim to overdoing it. Even though their capacity is high, they should always be careful not to overexert their abilities, which could make them unreliable. These natives should also be inclined towards physical exertion so that a perfect balance between their mental health and physical health is maintained. Mrigashira Nakshatra is named after the head of a deer and is regarded as Nakshatra’s most interesting,

Astrological range for Mrigashira

(Degree ranges 23:20 Taurus-6:40 Gemini sign)

In this schedule that’s some details of the marigashrsha Nakshatra.

Presiding Deity Soma, the Moon God
Symbol Antelope’s head
Animal Symbol Female Serpent
Translation “Deer’s Head” or “Benevolent”
Controlling/Ruling Planet Mars
Ruling Deity of Venus Muruga
Bird Hen
Lucky Gemstone Coral
Lucky Number 5
Caste Servant
Common Name of the Tree Khair tree/ Black Cutch tree
Botanical Name of the Tree Acacia catechu or Senegalia Catechu
Seed Sounds Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee
Nature Devas (God-like)
Mode Passive
Number 5
Gender Neutral
Dosha Pitta
Guna Tamasic
Element Earth
Disposition Soft, Mild, Tender (Mridu)
1st pada Ruled by Sun
2nd pada Ruled by Mercury
3rd pada Ruled by Venus
4th pada Ruled by Mars

Male Characteristics:

These Nakshatra’s male natives have a very pretty yet robust body. You are tall in height and have short legs and long arms of fair complexion. One of the most unusual things about them is their questionable appearance. Others are still suspicious. We are generally very serious about their job, and often demand the same from others. If he gets similar reaction he finds it very friendly and likes to interact with them. He’s very honest and open-hearted, but it also works against him so other people can easily trick him. He can also have a double-personality, like what he shows to the outside world many do not measure up to what he’s inside.

Profession/ source of income for male:

You’ll get good education, and tell people how and where to use their money. Yet maintaining a track over your spending would be challenging for yourself. You will also find yourself embroiled in the financial issues. You can be a successful singer, guitarist, artist, poet, linguist, editor, romantic novelist or thinker. Some fields can become the source of your daily bread and butter, such as the building of a house, road or bridge; the manufacture of instruments and appliances; various works related to the textile or clothing industry; the design of fashions; pet care or the selling of animals; tourism department; any research work; physics; Teaching and teaching astronomy, or astrology; clerk; lecturer; correspondent; surgeon; army or police service; driver; civil, electrical , mechanical or computer engineering.

Family life and compatibility of Mrigashira Nakshatra male:

Your married life would typically be healthy; however spousal health-related issues are likely. You must not behave adamantly and suspiciously in behavior, in order to enjoy the best of married life. Positivity will slowly take precedence in family life. When husband-wife decides to neglect each other’s weaknesses, you will both prove to be a wonderful couple like Shiva-Parvati. You may face difficulties in life until you’re 32 years old. Things are going to start settling after that. Time will be very favorable and effective for you until age 33 to 50.

Health for Male:

In his childhood the male resident of the Mrigashira Nakshatra or constellation is facing many health problems. The indigestion and consequent constipation is the fundamental and really important issue here. Cuts and injuries are also possible so he needs to be careful while using sharp objects.

Female Characteristics:

This nakshatra’s female natives would have more or less the same characteristics as their male counterpart, with minor variations in here and there. She is tall, angular in appearance and has a slim body. She’s got a very handsome and sexy frame. She is really smart and she takes a special interest in her social life. She is very polite, very supportive and very cordial. She is always smart, quick-witted and often selfish. She quickly gets into fights with others and it is very hard to control her anger when angry. She is educated, self-confident and independent. She loves the arts and after marriage is also taking a keen interest in her family and children.

Profession/ source of income for Female:

Mrigashrisha Nakshatra’s female natives are educated personalities who attain all possible expertise by all possible means through which they are believed to function in all kinds of arenas well and successful. Besides that, they are vibrant and free-minded citizens who will not remain in just one arena but who are also genuine and committed towards their work for which they would not leave any duty unfulfilled and so on these natives could be seen as engaged in many activities at the same time and pursuing them all well. Such individuals are born with the ability to keep several things of good appearance at the same time.

Family life and compatibility of Mrigashira Nakshatra female:

Mrigasira Nakshatra’s female natives are perceived to face many obstacles on their family front as well as not having much peace and happiness at home besides which they would not have much cordial relationship with the husbands nor would they have good relationship with the spouse’s kin. From the differences in between all this could arise.

Such Mrigasira Nakshatra natives are considered not to get much support and enjoyment from their parents’ home and are believed to get married much late because if they get married earlier then the marital life problems will be greater. For variant reasons, these people may face separation from the spouses too.

Health for Female:

Those female natives also face many health problems as they make their way of life more difficult on land. Such conditions may also include some severe issues including asthma, problems with the blood and heart, uterine disorders, bilious, phlegmatic, mumps, and menstrual problems.

Nakshatra Padas

First pada (23:20-26:40 degrees Taurus)

It’s ruled by the Sun .You are a strong, uncompromising and unyielding person. Your presence is attractive. Governing a role would suit you well. The first pada of the constellation Mrigashira falls within the Sun-ruled Leo Navamsa.

Second pada (26:40-30:00 degrees Taurus)

It’s ruled by Mercury .Awareness is your main priority. Your smart mind makes you crafty and clever, and you have a wonderful sense of humor. Patience comes to you, obviously. The second pada the Mrigashira nakshatra falls in the Mercury planet ruled Virgo Navamsa

Third pada (0:00-3:20 degrees Gemini)

It’s ruled by Venus .You’re kind-hearted and you enjoy socializing, a combination that earns many mates. Your creativity and intellect ensure you still come up with fresh ideas. Mrigashira Nakshatra’s 3rd pada comes within the Venus dominated Libra Navamsa.

Fourth pada (3:20-6:40 degrees Gemini)

It’s ruled by Mars .You’re busy and there’s still a lot going on here. You are intellectual, and you are well educated on your views. You are unable to capitulate to the requests of someone else, even for the sake of politeness. The unyielding habit, however, can cause you problems. You’re blunt, argumentative and cruel at times. Mrigashira Nakshatra’s 4th pada falls within the Mars planet ruled Scorpio Navamsa.

Written by : Hemant Barua
You can book a telephonic consultation simply clicking here


Written by : Hemant Barua
You can book a telephonic consultation simply clicking here

Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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