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Mercury in the Twelfth House


Mercury Placement in the twelfth house of chart.
The position of mercury in this house makes the person a visionary. Those people are likely to be adept in higher learning and have a unique ability to grasp subjects concerning occult, astrology, religion and spirituality. They have an unusual design of mind, which allows them to dig deep into the mysterious realms of life. It boosts one’s power of imagination and revelation. You are quite intuitive indeed, and your knowledge and interest in the metaphysical world can be healing to the humanity if training is there. But if misdirected, it can also cause havoc.

As a native with mercury in this house, you are receptive of your environment; you are adept at understanding the meaning of vague gestures and incomprehensible tone. Your hearing may suffer so you need to be careful in this regard. Your enemies may try to de-motivate you by talking ill about you. Mercury in 12th house suggests that you need to rise above the petty things and be self-confident. Sometimes, you understand more than you should or wish to which also causes mental unrest.

As a big conclusion to that I will make an example, the native who achieves spiritual growth due to the influence of Mercury may start a spiritual mission and he may focus on making this mission grow more and more, instead of focusing on more and more spiritual growth. It means that the primary objective of this native for adding more and more people to his spiritual mission may be to achieve more and more recognition as a spiritual guru; and helping these natives achieve more and more spiritual growth may be his secondary objective. In simple words, Mercury tends to benefit the native more and more on materialistic plane and even if it blesses him with spiritual growth due to specific role assigned to him in a horoscope, the native may still not focus on the biggest spiritual target and he may get distracted by relatively less significant things.

Also, weak mercury in this house f a horoscope can also trouble the native with problems in the sphere of his profession, so as a cure you can try to throw a new empty pitcher in a river, put on a ring that’s made of stainless steel and also it will really help to take advice from other person before you start any important or new work.

Written by : Hemant Barua
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Dr. Hement Barua

About Hemant Baura

Hemant Barua is one of the top astrologers in India who has vast experience in teaching astrology and also with giving astrological consultancy. While making predictions he also combines System-Based Vedic Astrology with modern astrology. Divisional charts, Ashtakvarga, deep and logical calculations of horoscpe , classic references are the basics of his astrological predictions. His...

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